Erik Smith in Politico: Digital Media Already Shaping 2020 Campaign


Politico Clip BE NewsForget early visits to Iowa and New Hampshire, or fundraising trips to Bay Area. Blue Engine Message & Media founder Erik Smith tells POLITICO that some Democrats looking at 2020 may do well by instead asking “What’s the top podcast?” Smith, a veteran of multiple presidential campaigns, including both Barack Obama campaigns, highlighted that enthusiasm in the Democratic base and the rapid growth of digital media is already changing the primary process – and that it could reduce the importance of wooing large donors and visiting early primary states. “The activist community is so engaged right now that there’s a lot you can do without just going to Iowa and New Hampshire,” said Smith. He also noted that the potential for more candidates than ever shows the strength of the party and deep interest from Democratic candidates, saying “You say there are 7,000 Democrats who think they’re going to be president? Well 3,500 of them have a good shot at it and that there is “a whole generation [of candidates] that’s been waiting in the wings for years.” 
To read the full article in POLITICO, click here.